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Urban Planning

5 Ways UAS will Change Urban Planning


Data Collections

Aerial Surveys / BaseMaps


3D Visualisations/Public Engagement

Traffic Flows/Behaviour Analysis

Urbanisation is increasing in speed. More people are being crammed into the same area, making the job of the urban planner more difficult. Data collection is a key cornerstone of any planning application, along with analysis of that data and related fieldwork. In normal circumstances, this requires a lot of manpower, a lot of time, and every increasing costs. We will inevitably see ways in which drones will be used to gather large amounts of data in a short period of time, augmented by AI processing or machine learning to deliver real time results at a much lower price point.

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"The conscious remolding of the large-scale physical environmental imageability is a new one. We can now make completely new landscapes in a brief time…Designers are already at grips with the question of how to form the total scene so that it is easy for the human observer to identify its parts and to structure the whole." – Kevin Lynch, Image of the City, 1959.

UAV technology enables landscape architects and planners to examine the existing social and environmental conditions of sites. We can document accurate circulation through transit corridors and shifting urban and demographic patterns, as well as topographical and hydrologic changes and environmental degradation.

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Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) involves integrating land use and transit planning to promote sustainable urban development forms.  It is a multidisciplinary planning and design strategy to ensure compact, mixed-use, pedestrian and two-wheeler friendly, and suitably dense urban development organized around transit stations.

UAV technology enables transport planners and planners to examine the existing social and environmental conditions of sites. We can document accurate circulation through transit corridors and shifting urban and demographic patterns.

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